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Selected papers presented at APCLG 2022 will have the opportunity to be published in 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, a Q1 Scopus-indexed journal.
Other papers will also be considered for publication in the International Journal of Language, Literacy, and Translation (IJoLLT).

If you are a conference presenter and would like to submit a full paper for consideration, please send it to us at with the subject line
'Full paper submission'. Deadline for full paper submission is on 30 September 2022.

Please prepare your manuscript following this guideline: 

  • All manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word and single-spaced.

  • ​Margins are to be set at Normal (2.54cm all round) and paper size at A4 (21 x 29.7cm).

  • Submissions should be MORE THAN 5000 words but NOT EXCEED 8000 words (including abstract, main text, notes and all references as well as appendices)

  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  • Each manuscript must have an abstract (not exceeding 250 words) and 5 key words. Manuscripts that do not adhere to this will not be considered for review.

  • Authors are encouraged to include hypermedia links within their article and ensure these are ready to use.

Publication Opportunity: Text

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